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Serving Canadians Since 1978
Leading Canada in Protection for
Home . Business . Personal . Vehicles

Pictured above is The MacKENZIE Coat of Arms, the Symbol of SEAFORTH that has guarded Canadians for over 31 years - and Diplomats, Kings, and Queens for centuries.

Seaforth has Canadians covered, from modern security alarm systems to high-tech camera systems to physical corporate intelligence and close protection services.

Seaforth has built a stellar reputation for providing and backing the services they provide and can proudly state that a Seaforth customer has never reported a major loss whilst protected by Seaforth. Hence, our alarm division coined the phrase Seaforth Alarms Stops Break-Ins.

Alarm systems and camera systems can be monitored by our Emergency Response Centre for fast action when medical (ambulance), fire, or police is needed.

You can count on trained professional Seaforth members with backgrounds in Police, Military, and Intelligence Services.